- April 23, 2019
- Posted by: Pallavi Kwatra
- Category: Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

It is nearly impossible to comment on Bhagavan’s teachings as it is a vast area and yet, at its heart, there is only the background of silence. Bhagavan proposed both the Jnana marg by conducting the enquiry of “Who am I” and also by complete surrender and Bhakti.
The core teachings of Bhagavan have been compiled by Bhagavan himself into a small booklet called “Who Am I” (link for English Version). This has been translated by Sri Ramanasram into multiple languages and made freely available in pdf format here. This booklet is all you need to understand the crux and the essential practice required for liberation, as shown by Bhagavan.
He always had the most appropriate and well suited, perfectly timed teaching to impart to anyone who seeked his help. He never condemned or promoted any one method.The enquiry method of Bhagavan annihilates the mind by repeated practise and brings it to rest at its source, the self. Hence, without many words, a humble attempt has been made to enclose here, various videos with his images, quotations etc to bring light to this matter.
Silence was Bhagavan’s teaching in its supreme state.
“Silence is the speech of the self”
– Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi.
Important Links
Silent slide show with Bhagavan’s pictures and quotes
Silent slideshow with pictures and quotes
Silent video with Bhagwan’s quotes
Teachings through beautiful questions and answers
Who Am I