F. Ramanasramam and Satsang Centres

Ramanasramam and Satsang Centres


Ramanasramam is the ashram of Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi in the town of Thiruvanamallai, Tamil Nadu. Devotees from all over the world come here to bask in the grace of Bhagavan. It has the following important areas:


The New Hall

On entering the New Hall, the objects that first attract the visitor’s attention are a life-sized statue of Sri Ramana Maharishi and a large yogasana, or couch, beautifully carved from a single stone and polished to look like black marble. This hall was specially built to accommodate the increasing number of devotees for whom the Old Hall, described below, was found to be too small. But Sri Ramana Maharishi used the New Hall and the couch for only the few months leading up to his Mahanirvana.

Open Daily 5am-12:30pm/2-9pm.


 Matrubhuteswara Temple

The door in the western wall of the New Hall leads directly ahead into the Matrubhuteswara Shrine. This imposing shrine was constructed under the personal supervision of Vaidyanatha Stapati, a famous temple sculptor and architect. The Garbha Griha (sanctum sanctorum) contains a sacred Siva Linga and a Sri Chakra Meru sanctified by Sri Maharshi’s own touch. A special worship known as the Sri Chakra Puja is conducted here on all Fridays, full moon days and the first day of all twelve solar months. On the outer walls of the Garbha Griha are the sculpted images of Dakshinamurti, Lingodbhava Murti, Vishnu and Lakshmi. At the southwest and northwest corners one finds two diminutive shrines dedicated to the gods Ganesa and Subrahmanya, respectively.

David Godman on Mother’s shrine

There is a similar shrine to Chandikeswara on the northern side. The Nava Grahas (nine planets) find their place in the northeast corner. The pillars supporting the roof contain several images of gods and goddesses. A small Nandi or bull is placed on a high pedestal facing the entrance to the Garbha Griha. The entire shrine is built of superior granite.

Open Daily 5:30am-12:30pm/3:30-8pm


Sri Maharshi’s Samadhi


Passing out of Mother’s shrine through a door in the northern wall one comes to the shrine built over Sri Maharishi’s tomb. This consists of a mantap (a large raised platform), with a vimana or tower surmounting it. Four large carved pillars of granite, polished to look like black marble, support this tower. The beams are similarly carved   and    polished.   A lotus of white marble adorns the center of the mantap and over it is installed a sacred Siva Linga. A large, marble-floored meditation hall encloses this shrine.

Open Daily 5am-12:30pm/2-9pm.



The Old Hall

Passing through the door of the Samadhi Hall on the north side the visitor comes to the Old Hall. This and the Nirvana Room, to be described shortly, are regarded as spots particularly sanctified by the Maharishi’s presence. In this hall thousands of devotees had his darshan (seeing a holy person or an image). It was on the couch in this hall that he spent almost all his time until about a year before his passing. It was here that devotees experienced year after year the potent peace that emanated from his presence. To this day the Old Hall remains a favorite place for meditation of visitors and inmates alike.

To the north of this hall is a large open area with some shade trees. This space is flanked by a flower garden and a dispensary on the west, a large dining and kitchen block on the east and the path which leads to Skandasramam on the Arunachala Hill to the north.

Open daily 4am-12:30pm/2-9pm.

David godman on the Old Hall

The Dining Hall

The dining hall and its new extension can accommodate nearly 800 people and the kitchen is large enough to cook, on special occasions like the Jayanti (Sri Maharsihi’s birthday), meals for as many as two or three thousand people. The place where Sri Maharishi used to sit for his meals in the dining hall is indicated by a large photograph of him that rests on a marble platform. Passing through the old dining hall and out the door on the north side we enter the new dining hall, which was built in recent years to accommodate the ever-increasing number of pilgrims. To the east of the kitchen and separated from it by a passage is a storeroom for provisions. Another passage separates the storeroom from the room for men situated to the south of it. This passage leads to the Veda Patasala or the boarding school where young boys are taught to chant the Vedas and further on to the gosala in which the Ashram cows are kept. Further east are placed the bathrooms.

Gosala: The Ashram dairy and cattle farm which provides wholesome dairy products for in-house needs.

Vedapatasala: Yajurveda school where students of the Vedas are trained in their traditional vocation.


The Nirvana Room

The small Nirvana Room situated to the east of the New Hall and north of the office is the room in which Sri Maharishi spent his last days and is thus a spot viewed with special reverence. It is kept as it was in his time. To the south of this sacred spot and facing the Mother’s Temple is the shrine erected over the samadhi of Sri  Niranjanananda Swami, the Maharshi’s younger brother and the Sarvadhikari or manager of the Ashram as long as he lived. A fine grove of coconut trees flanks this mantap and the Nirvana Room and stretches to the east.

Guest Rooms

Since Sri Maharishi’s Mahanirvana, many new guest rooms have been constructed in and around the Ashram. Additional guest rooms and cottages have been built to the west of the Pali Tirtham (tank), which during the early days constituted part of Palakuttu, a forested area where the Maharishi often walked. All the guest rooms are clean with simple beds, bathroom, overhead fan and screened windows and doors. To preserve the quiet and intimate experience of a visit to Sri Ramanasramam, the administration decided to halt new construction of guest rooms within the Ashram borders. Instead ashram has built guest facilities outside of its premises within walking distance.


Dispensary: Free medical aid for the ashram inmates and local people.

Book Store: Available are Sri Ramana literature, including original works, biographies, commentaries, and reminiscences, in various languages. Also photographs, souvenirs, audio-tapes, videos, CDs and The Mountain Path, the quarterly journal published by Sri Ramanasramam and circulated worldwide.

Open Daily: 8am-11am/2pm-6pm.

Sri Ramana Library

This library, located in the Ashram compound, has an extensive collection of books on spiritual matters in various languages. It is opened from 8.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the morning and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the afternoon. Visitors are welcome to browse; membership is required to borrow books.


Skandasramam:This lovely tree-shaded hermitage on the Hill overlooking the Big Temple is where Bhagavan lived from 1916 to 1922;


Virupaksha Cave has the shape of the sacred “Om” and contains the samadhi of Sage Virupaksha. Bhagavan Sri Ramana lived here from 1899 to 1916. Both caves are historical sites preserved and maintained by Sri Ramanasramam for the benefit of visitors. 

Daily: 8am-4:00pm

David Godman on Virupaksha Cave

This is the schedule of a routine day at ramanashramam:

Daily Schedule

6:45am: Milk Offering/breakfast

8am:      Vedaparayana

10am:    Morning Puja

11:30:    Lunch

4pm:      Tea

4pm:      Group Reading (Tamil)

4:30:     Group Reading (English)

5pm:     Vedaparayana

6:15:      Evening Puja

6:30:     Tamil Parayana

7:30:     Evening Meal

9pm:    Samadhi Hall Closes


This is the link for important dates all around the year at ramanashramam:



Important Links:
  1. Tamil Parayana
  2. Link to radio from Ramanasram
  3. Learning to sing Aksharmanmallai from Ramanasram
  4. Learning to chant Updesa Saaram from Ramanasram


Important inputs and gratitude:

Ramanashramam official website: www.sriramanamaharshi.org


Satsangh Centres

Sri Ramanasramam is devoted to preserving Sri Ramana Maharishi’s teachings and spreading them from His ashram in Thiruvannamalai. Over the years many devotees have started centers around the world to help in spreading His teachings. These centers are maintained by sincere devotees for conducting satsangs and celebrating His Jayanti, Aradhana, Advent Day, and other similar events of great significance. Today, there are satsang groups spread across various countries worldwide from United States, Canada, Europe, Asia to Australia.

Below is a list of available Centers and Satsang Groups.

Name Telephone Number
Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu +91-4175-237200
Sri Sundara Mandiram, Tiruchuzhi, Tamil Nadu +91-4566–282217
Sri Ramana Mandiram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu +91-452-2346102
Sri Ramana Mandiram, Desur, Tamil Nadu (none available)
Sri Ramana Kendra, Mylapore Chennai, Tamil Nadu +91-44-24611397
Ramanalayam, Chrompet Chennai, Tamil Nadu +91-94442 61296
Vijnana Ramaneeyam, Palakad, Kerala +91-491-2545499
Sri Ramana Kendram, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh +91-40-27424092
Sri Ramana Kendra, New Delhi +91-11-24626997
RMCL, Bangalore, Karnataka +91-80-23360799, 23512639
Sri Raman Maharshi Centre, P.O. LAXMINAGAR, NEARBY SHREE SWAMINARAYAN GURUKUL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ON MORBI-KUTCH HIGHWAY, Morbi- Gujarat Phone: (+91)9879874080, 9825338948, 9426241857, email shreegorji@yahoo.com
Albuquerque, NM – Robert & Diedra +1 (505) -266-9608
Ann Arbor, MI – Nirupama & Ramesh +1 (574) -514-4766
Arunachala Ashrama, Nova Scotia, Canada +1 (902)-665-2090
Arunachala Ashrama, NYC, NY, USA +1 (718)-560-3196
Atlanta, GA – Mangalam Kalyanam +1 (678) -546-0378
Birmingham AL – Sai Kand +1 (205) -441-6859
Boston, MA – David & Anna +1 (617) -928-1487
Chapel Hill, NC – Ranjani Ramanan +1 (919) -338-2551
Chicago Area – Jean-Luc & Rita +1 (719)480-3530
Coral Springs, Florida – David and Janet Rubinson +1 (954) 600-1967
Dublin OH, USA +1 (614)-348-1975
Farmington, CT – Aruna & Ram Kumar +1 (787) -284-0078
Houston, TX – Kumar Saran +1 (832) -435-3761
Los Angeles, CA – Natarajan & Indira Venkatesan +1 (310) -473-9441
Ottawa, ON, Canada +1 (613)-733-8250
Pennington NJ – Nandini +1 (609) -730-8447
Princeton, NJ – Prashanth & Shobana Visweswaran +1 (860) -691-1862
Puerto Rico – Rosa & Scott Matthewson +1 (787) -531-5295
San Francisco, CA – Karthik & Sunita +1 (510) 656-2752
Tampa FL – Rohit +1 (813) 766-0145
Toronto, ON, Canada +1 (905)-849-6005
Vancouver, Canada – Akash +1 (778) -321-4499
Washington, DC – Uma & Santosh +1 (301) -528-5526
Westerville, OH – Venkat, Neeraja & Shraddha Gawala +1 (614) -523-2485
A Luz no Caminho – Associação Espiritualista, Brazil +55 21 2208-5196
Ramana Maharshi Center und – Yogaschule Rossmann – Wolnzach, Germany fon (+49)08442-7622
Martine Le Peutrec – Paris, France tel: 00(33)6 74 83 86 88
Geneva, Switzerland – Venkat Ramanan +41(788)-310-357
London, UK +44(0)020 8398 0193
Sydney, Australia (see website)
Sri Ramana Center, Soobiah Avenue, Reduit – Mrs. Savitri Cuttaree +230 4640823, +230 57651676
Self inquiry meditation, Tel-Aviv –
Orit Shoshani Zur


Important inputs and gratitude:
